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New Mini-Mela Visitor Center Opened Today!

Jai Ganesha! After many years of visioning, planning and work by Sannyasin Shanmuganathaswami and his team of contracted workers, the new Mini-Mela Information Center is complete and was opened today at the auspicious hour of 8:15 am.

Bodhinatha cuts the ribbon to the entry way.

Our local members are on hand. We jokingly tell Brahmacharini Shama Kumaran and Kulamata Isani Alahan that “this is your new office,” as they will spend many hours here serving tirelessly taking care of the many forms of Lord Siva who will walk through these doors.

All the monks arrive and admire the beautiful cases with books and other items for visitors.

Yogi Jivanananda performs a puja at the Ganesha shrine, permanently installed in an east bay.

After the puja, Bodhinatha break a coconut at the main entrance doorway.

Then Yogi sprinkles each corner of the building and there are a dozen or more places. Everyone goes around to all the rooms, upstairs and then around outside.

A special seat for Bodhinatha where he will meet with guests and sign books.

Kulapati Durvasa Alahan takes the opportunity to be the inaugural guest having his new copy of “What is Hinduism” signed by Bodhinatha.

Shanmuganathaswami has provided some refreshments, coffee, ice cream and a variety of sweets for everyone.

This jade Ganesha adorns the reception counter, greeting visitors who come up to ask questions or get help.

An auspicious day indeed! We finally are now able to accommodate the daily growing number of pilgrims and visitors and provide them a place to rest their feet, have a drink and read some of the teachings.

12 Responses to “New Mini-Mela Visitor Center Opened Today!”

  1. parimala balu says:

    congratulations! the mini mela is very beautiful.fantastic work Swami.
    Parimala balu

  2. v balu devado says:

    Aum Sivaya, Congratulations !its beautiful, fine finishing. It reminds me of need to plan carefully.We learn a lot Satgurudeva. Monks’ work is of very high quality indeed.
    Congratulations! Bodhinatha
    Congratulations! Shanmuganathaswami
    Congratulations! to All monks Aum
    Aum Namasivaya
    V.Balu Devado

  3. Padmaja says:

    Jai Ganesha, Congratulations Shanmugnathaswami, new minimela looks great with elegant furniture and wonderful display of books and other items. Thank you for all your efforts. Aum.

  4. Nalini says:

    Jai Ganesa!
    How wonderful to see the new minimala!
    I’m sure it will do very well, it looks wonderful
    Om Namah Sivaya

  5. Krishnamah says:

    Jai Ganesha!
    Congratulations for the new opening mini mela. It’s looks great with wonderful display items.
    Om Namah Sivaya

  6. Shyamadeva says:

    Jai Ganapati!
    The new Mini-Mela is exquisite! Congratulations and thank you Shanmuganathaswami for all you have done to manifest this wonderful and beautiful addition! Aum Tat Sat Aum!
    Aum Namah Sivaya

  7. Thilagarani Valluvan says:

    Jai Ganesha!
    Congratulations and thank you Shanmuganathaswami! And the New Mini Mela look so marvelous.Aum aum

  8. Anbu Kandasamy says:

    Congratulations, Minimela looks fantastic. Pray one day I’ll be able to visit Kauai. Aum

  9. Aroulen says:

    Aum Ganesha!
    Really nice and very attractive. I’m sure everyone will like it. Aum

  10. Sheela says:

    Congratulations and thank you, Swami and all others in manifesting this oasis in Paradise! Save some space for me to work from … Aum AUM

  11. Rajita says:

    Aum Ganesha
    Beautiful. May many more people benefit from Guru Deva’s teaching found in this Minimela. Aum Shanti

  12. Parimala Selvaraj says:

    Jai Ganesha Jai Bodhinatha
    Congratulations and Thank You Swami for a beautiful and exquisite Minimela. Aum Aum Aum

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