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Anticipation of Lord Nataraja

It is Sun Three and there is anticipation in the air as monks are working hard to get ready for tomorrow’s big Ardra Abhishekam puja for Lord Nataraja. Bodhiinatha finally has some time at home between trips and he has been working on research projects: shum and Saiva Agamas, among others.

Tour Day

Yesterday’s tour day guide, Kulamata Isani Alahan writes: “It was a wonderful day for a tour. There was partial sun, cool breezes and even a few showers. There was a beautiful double rainbow over Nani Kaua Pond as we arrived there. I wish I had gotten a photo. The rainbow made me feel that Siva is always smiling on us.
I shared the basic beliefs of Hinduism at the Vinadhara mound, and all the guests seemed to understand completely and agree.

Silpi stone cutting demonstration.

Images from Iraivan

Our silpis now have a cool shade and a roof over their heads to work on the floor of Iraivan.

Of course the joints of the roof are not yet sealed so our rains have come through. But, a little water is not a problem.

Crated pieces awaiting their time to be included on the temple.

Mauritius Members Visit Malaysia

Kulapati Manon Mardemootoo and Kulamata Sornumbal, made a visit to Malayasia.

Manon writes:

“We attended Satsanga held at Sivaneswaren Sockanathan on Saturday 3rd.”

The two daughters of member Gunalen showed their singing talents. “

It is good to see our sishya going back and forth between nations!

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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