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Personal Testimony From Mauritius

Aum Namasivaya,

Prostrations to the holy feet of our great Lord Shiva!

hope all is well in Kauai! I want to start by saying that I have received several gifts recently. One was a new camera. This I brought to the Spiritual Park today and wanted to share the experience with you.

What a day it was! As we do every year, there is a special prayer done for children, students to help them have success in the upcoming exams. But this year was astounding! The number of children, people, that attended was staggering to say the least. My guess is 6,000 but I really have no idea. I tried to capture it in the pictures as best as I could. The gifts of flowers were in abundance and you will see how even the large size of our Pancha Ganapati looked laden with offerings.

The energy was so high that the hanging lamp above Ganesha’s head was swinging as if there was a strong breeze, although there was none where the light hung. Now let me tell you about the letters to be burnt in the homa, although the pictures tell the story. Simply said, I have NEVER seen that many.

The meditation was amazing in the sound of silence that a body of people that size created. Besides a few babies, you would think there were only around 10 people on the property.

The day was one I will never forget, nor will I ever take for granted my blessed karma of sitting at the feet of Ganesha on this life changing day.

4 Responses to “Personal Testimony From Mauritius”

  1. Savitri Palani says:

    Thank you for sharing! I was in Mauritius with Gurudeva in 1986. I love all the news of the Spiritual Park and look forward to returning one day to worship at the Holy Feet of Pancha Mukha Ganapati.

  2. Niraj says:

    Thank you for sharing this. Very uplifting to see the activities in Mauritius.
    This should be started in England, Germany and the rest of world.
    Jai Ganesha!!

  3. Vima Moodoosoodun says:

    Aum Namaha Shivaya,
    Prostrations to the holy feet of Lord Shiva! Prostrations to the holy feet of Lord Ganesha!
    Thank you Mauritius Spiritual Park for sharing the news and activities on the net. It is really amazing to see Lord Ganesha in his shrine giving the blessing the his devotees and children and student that are going to participate in the exams. For those student I will say Best of Luck and before they start any paper just think of Lord Ganesha as he is the remover of obstacles and he will take all the fear inside you….
    I am so pleased that despite being away, I am blessed to get the darshan of Lord Ganesha and I feel so peace and tranquility in his abode.
    Keep posting the news and feedback.
    Aum Ganeshaya Namaha

  4. Skanda says:

    OH! Divine beings of Mauritius . . . Gracious is the life you reveal, the subtle inner awareness we see
    on TAKA! You bless us with true love & devotion as you bow to to Sat Guru, Great Lord Siva & Devas.
    Such love & devotion as to melt the hearts of all!! Sweet bliss and purpose . . . you bless us!

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