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Weekly Tour

Kulapati Deva Seyon report on today’s tour.

Crystal clear days greet our many guests today on our weekly public tours. With the holiday season and children out of school there is a constant stream of visitors.

Last weeks tour group gathering under the Rudraksha trees.

With the work of the Siddhidata Kulam to build a railing we can now bring guests up on the foundation. Guests looking through the temple to the inner chamber, the sanctum sanctorum where one day soon the 700 pound Siva Crystal Linga will radiate a spiritual force which will bring thousands to Kauai.

Kandan is really wielding the hammer lately. A true stone master at work.

The children in the group all line up with great eagerness! I heard one little boy tell his father on the way back that he wants to be a stone carver when he grows up!

Here a guest decides to help build this enormous wonderment of the world.

Entering the monastery grounds, feeling the all pervasive sacredness is an experience on so many levels. It is like entering another dimension where each flower and tree whisper “all is well, all is divine”

Kulapati Easan Katir photographs the tour from another angle.

Kulapati Deva Seyon and Kulamata Amala Seyon addressing 80+ pilgrims and visitors.

Kulapati Deva Seyon leading the group on the path to Iraivan

Explaining the wonders of this divine Island

Group photo

The Hon. Ashok H. Desai, former Attorney General of India and family

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