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Innersearch Day Eight

The highlight of the eighth day of innersearch was the havana at Iraivan held in the afternoon.

After Bodhinatha’s afternoon class, everyone paraded out to Iraivan.

Seated on the new floor with roof complete overhead, it was a very special moment to have this ceremony after the basic temple structure had been completed and standing free. All the devotees came forward in pairs to make offerings while the monks and some innersearchers chanted Sri Rudram.

Prior to the Havana, Bodhinatha gave a class on “Tools for Success”

Stepping back to the morning of day eight, innersearchers walked in silence down San Marga after hearing the story of Gurudeva’s vision. At the Swayambhu Lingam Sadhaka Haranandinatha performed puja and everyone sat for meditation.

Later that morning, Palaniswami gave a class under the gaze of Dakshinmurthi.

It was a classic outdoor setting for spiritual discussion.

Then we all trekked back to board the bus for lunch and fun at Gaylords

Mrunal and his daughter Pooja, hugging a rudraksha tree. Wow! They are getting really big!

After lunch at Gaylords we boarded their little train for a true “tourist” experience…riding a train around a few acre estate being regaled with stories about the history of the area and the agricultural endeavors outside the windows.

One unusual stop was to visit the wild boar sanctuary.

We were given food to feed our porcine brothers and sisters. Being all vegetarians, the reaction of our group to this site was probably not what the tour guide expected.

Of course there are 1000’s of these wild boar running free all over Kauai.

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