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Time for our monthly pada puja…

Time for our monthly pada puja to Gurudeva.

Special Innovation for Enrolled Master Course Students

Another upgrade today: Now iPhone Friendly!

Now the lesson of the day will display properly on your iPhone in a large readable font size and without requiring to scroll right to see the end of the lines. Try it.

We have an important innovation for all our Master Course students. Here-to-fore the only available digital version of the Master Course was the annual lesson of the day based on the starting day of April 13th being Lesson 1. So whether you look on the web or get it by email, today’s lesson is fixed as Lesson 93.

So what if you started the Master course last October and your current lesson and worksheets are for Lesson 225?

Your only option would be to read the three sections for that day from the physical books.

By popular demand we now offer a “my current lesson” web option. If the lesson of the day is 56 for you,
go to the daily lesson page (click here) and enter the number of the lesson want and click “Get My Lesson.” This will be a boon for those who are traveling.

We will also eventually make the page appear properly on small mobile devices.

If you don’t know what this is all about, then find out about our Master Course study here:

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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