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Brahmachari Mayuran Supplicates for Entry

Brahmachari Mayuran recently advancef from Aspirancy to Supplicancy. During this stage he sits by the Wall of Rain for many hours each day, inwardly begging the devas to help him adjust himself to the monastery, all the while supplicating the monastic order to be accepted as a full-fledged monastic. He will sit here daily for at least a month or more at the discretion of the Guru and then be interviewed by the group of senior monastics. If he is accepted he takes his Postulant Vows and becomes a Sadhaka, making him a full monastic of our community.

9 Responses to “Brahmachari Mayuran Supplicates for Entry”

  1. Gajanan Nataraj says:

    Jai Ganesha!

  2. Nigel Siva says:

    My dearest Ganesha,
    Please remove all negative karma and help Brahmachari Mayuran to become a monastic at the Kauai Aadheenam. Please be within him all the time and protect him from all worldly distractions, and kindly lead him to the straight path to merging with Siva. Thank You Ganesha; I love You.—-Nigel Siva

  3. Sarasvathi Iswarapatham says:

    Yes dear benevolent Lord Ganapati,who blesses & prods forward sincere devotees, seekers.Please keep Mayuran’s faith strong & help him realise his aspiration to be on the San Marga Path with full faith & fortitude. We need strong souls like him to perpetuate the Almighty God Siva’s work.

  4. Amma Debora says:

    A very important step to be taken, Mayuran. I pray for clarity, peace and love in your heart. Love, Amma Debora.

  5. Nalini says:

    Jai Ganapati!
    So wonderful.. Brave soul!

  6. Sankuthi says:

    Jai Ganesha!
    May your efforts be successful and may you be a shining example for many more to come – in today’s super-consuming society! Good luck! I shall pray for your success.

  7. Premila Manick says:

    Indeed a very important step at this junction in life. We are praying for clarity of mind and we are all very proud of you,Aum

  8. Anjali says:

    Om! Jai Ganesha, Who leads us always on the Right Path!

  9. GRS says:

    Is there a path for women to become a monk too?

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