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Many Forms of Siva

We came across this list of beautiful and bizarre creatures today that we'd like to share. These colorful, and in some cases one-of-a-kind beings are a wonderful example of Siva's uncanny and uncommon forms. With all the variety on our little planet alone, it stretches the imagination to infinity, to ponder the countless variation that must exists throughout our galaxy alone, as it floats through Siva's perfect universe.

From Living With Siva:
It takes much meditation to find God Siva in all things, through all things. In this striving--as in perfecting any art or science--regular daily disciplines must be faithfully adhered to. Siva is the immanent personal Lord, and He is transcendent Reality. Siva is a God of love, boundless love. He loves each and every one. Each soul is created by Him and guided by Him through life. God Siva is everywhere. There is no place where Siva is not. He is in you. He is in this temple. He is in the trees. He is in the sky, in the clouds, in the planets. He is the galaxies swirling in space and the space between galaxies, too. He is the universe. His cosmic dance of creation, preservation and dissolution is happening this very moment in every atom of the universe. God Siva is, and is in all things. He permeates all things. He is immanent, with a beautiful form, a human-like form which can actually be seen and has been seen by many people in visions. He is also transcendent, beyond time, cause and space. That is almost too much for the mind to comprehend, isn't it? Therefore, we have to meditate on these things. God Siva is so close to us.

Credit for the above collection:

2 Responses to “Many Forms of Siva”

  1. shakti mahadevan says:

    thank you… I loved looking at those amazing , beautiful pictures!!!

  2. Aravind Gopal says:

    Excellent photos

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