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IQC Meeting in Sacramento, California

Acharya Arumuganathaswami and Sadhaka Jayanatha's mission is coming to a close in Sacramento, California, where they will be attending and presenting at the instructional quality commission at the California department of education. The commission is charged with reviewing the most recent version of the revised history and social science narrative the essay like section that the books are primarily based off of. From Sadhaka: "They incorporated some of our smaller edits for the sixth grade section (and much more in 7th), but big issues like caste, the Aryana invasion theory and brahmanism are still present, and in fact strengthened. So we've submitted corrections which would hopefully be considered for the next round of edits to the narrative. After the commission went through each grade's section together, they then opened the floor for public comments. We commented on specific changes needed in the sections on caste and the aryan invasion. Other Hindu groups showed up as well and gave testimony, including many more students. It went fairly well, but the state of the current draft is still quite concerning."

One Response to “IQC Meeting in Sacramento, California”

  1. Ramsamy says:

    Good initiative to set the historical records straight for the next generation. All these corrections are to be done with the intention to make the path clear of events, that are no longer useful, in the light of the latest scientific development.

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