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Bodhinatha's Latest Upadeshas on Path to Siva

Bodhinatha’s recent upadeshas on the new Path to Siva book are bringing powerful clarifications to key questions and issues that face not only our youth, but any Hindu who may lack the verbal toolbox to talk about these key subjects. Don’t miss them!
Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

[Tech note: Apologies for the poor audio on Chapter 7. We had a sound system failure and had to pull the audio from our video camera, but the message is “mission critical.”]

“Clarifying Multiple Gods and Hindu Denominations” (October 10,2016)

“Temples with multiple deities can be confusing, especially for today’s Hindu youth. For clarity, we need to bring forward a more precise understanding of the different Hindu denominations and how the different Gods are viewed from within each denomination. For spiritual advancement it is best to focus on one deity and get to the vibration that deity. When we hear teachings from various Hindus, it is important to understand and identify which denomination they are speaking from. This will avert confusion when that teaching gets contradicted in a different context where someone is talking about the same subject but from a different philosophical background.”

Path to Siva, Chapter 7.

“The Many Facets of Saivite Hinduism” (November 9, 2016)

Bodhinatha reviews the main characteristic of Saivite philosophy and practice with an indepth focus on the four stages of religions evolution, chariya, kriya, yoga and jnana. He highlights how this shows that Saiva Siddhanta is unique and quite different from the modern practice of Hinduism as Vedanta

Path to Siva, Chapter 8.

Click here to go to an index of all of Bodhinatha’s and Gurudeva’s online audio.

One Response to “Bodhinatha's Latest Upadeshas on Path to Siva”

  1. RudraDasa says:

    RT @KauaiMonastery: New blog post: Bodhinatha’s Latest Upadeshas on Path to Siva

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