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Find That

At some point of time, whether in their current life or in a future one, everyone starts to figure it out. The endless ramifications of this external world begin to lose their shiny draw. The many many paths one could take become less interesting, because most have been walked before. You've eaten all types of food, owned all kinds of homes, large and small and have been every kind of person, the drunkard and the greatest of kings. You've had all relationships, been a wife, a husband, child, brother, sister and more. You've walked to every mountaintop, swam in every sea and river. you've laid down upon the shady grasses, walked through the pristine snow, and looked up through the treetops. You've felt pain, hunger, hatred, betrayal and death, again and again you've suffered yourself. You've been joyous, excited for the future and humbled by life's beauty. You've won victories and sustained losses, you've seen good and bad, bright light and shadows. You've known the freedom to dance, and the fearlessness of your singing voice--self-expressions you'll love forever. You've laughed with friends, giggled with loved ones. Upon your Earth you've seen the stars unveiled as the world begins to sleep, and you've awoken, inspired by the dauntless warmth of the rising Sun.
Again and again you are born, you live and you pass on, to live again. Until, it is suddenly not so interesting anymore. The ups and downs of life are not the fun ride they used to be. They're not much of anything really. They begin to fade from your vision, as something else takes their place. Something you did not expect. An understanding bigger than most people know. Broader, deeper, all-encompassing and so very, very real. Like nothing else you've seen, and yet you recognize it. Losing interest in the World around you, you begin to take interest in yourself, realizing that the external is painted by your personal thoughts, feeling and attitudes. But these inner layers of the mind are still not the ultimate discovery. If you were you're attitudes and emotions then how could you be thinking about them. And if you can witness your thoughts, what is it that is observing them? Find that.

16 Responses to “Find That”

  1. hiteśvara Saravan says:

    Aum Namah Sivaya. Sweet words of Truth.

  2. Vel says:

    “And if you can witness your thoughts, what is it that is observing them? Find that.” ….Cool

  3. Padmini says:

    The article ends with a thought- provoking statement, indeed!
    Aum Sivaya

  4. Ramai Santhirapala says:

    So simple and so sweet – beautiful post especially nice after seeing a glimpse of our beloved Ganesha in heost before. Mahalo for the inspiration that emanates from the land of rainbows.

  5. Chandrika Shantinatha says:

    Search for and follow Love .

  6. Devi Marks says:


  7. AC says:

    For me, this articulates in a clear and accessible way what it means to exist and live a life. It sums up so much in such simple and elegant prose. Reading this helps me to realize that one must focus one’s own path and not judge others for their path, as we all will trod each and every path at one point or another, until we start to figure it out and walk the only path that matters. It is so much easier to think I’ve figured it out than actually to act as one who has figured it out would act. Still so many attachments; too hard to let go. It seems we meander and wind our way back and forth.
    Mahalo for the absolutely beautiful prose.

  8. Guhan Sivalingam says:

    Just like Devi Marks , I am curious to know who is the owner of this thought provoking article.Such a beautiful flow and truth about life. I will read and re-read as a reminder about the truth of life.

  9. Guhan Sivalingam says:

    A thought provoking article.Such a beautiful flow and truth about life. I will read and re-read as a reminder
    to myself.
    Just like Devi Marks , I am curious to know the author
    Aum Sivaya

  10. admin says:

    Aum Sivaya. This post was provided by one of our monks.

  11. Bansuri says:

    “Chidananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham!”
    I am the Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness; I am Shiva, I am Shiva!
    Hari Om

  12. muthu says:

    Thanks for the inspiring article….. the last three sentences brings to mind the aphorisms in raja yoga (cognizantability) …. 6 decades and the wisdom reverberates :
    ‘True happiness can never be found in the conscious mind or its subconscious states’
    ‘Observation is the first faculty of the awakening of the superconscious regions………’

  13. muthu says:

    amazing view of Iraivan !

  14. GAYATRI RAJAN says:

    Profound and beautiful commentary. Thank you. We are so lucky to have you all there to keep us reminded of the goal.
    Thank you again. Aum Namasivaya.
    Jai Kailasa Paramparai!
    Jai Natha Sampradaya!

  15. priya says:

    Such an inspiring post….sort of path of self reflection.Thank you so much for sharing this with us.This post resonates with my life experiences.

  16. Rajendra Giri says:

    Aum Namah Shivay!

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