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News from 2008 Asian Odyssey Innersearch

Here is Bodhinatha in Cambodia. He writes today from Langkawi, Malaysia:

Today was our fifth day, Sat Jan 19th, of innersearch activities. Today was our first day of satsangas on meditation with one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

— Bodhinatha

Meanwhile our reports from the trip pickup in chronological order with more slide shows below.

Innersearch Slide Show Links:

[Note: To see the full-sized images and captions, click on the thumbnails]


Innersearchers in Cambodia

Lord Ganesha Finds New Home in Anna Purna Gardens

We pick up the thread on events from our Thai Pusam day with the third segment of morning events. Long, long ago, Lord Ganesha was carved in Bangalore for the monks’ garden which we call “Annapurna Garden” . Annapurna is a famous name of the Goddess “She Who is the Fullness of Food” and signifies the Divine source of our physical lives.

He is ready to be placed today.

The hoisting of Lord Ganesha was to be the first act of Larry’s new crane.

The usual discussions on rigging…

First he sets down the stabilizers which literally lift the whole truck off the ground.

Here we go…

Blowing the conch…

This is one of the most beautiful statues we have seen in years.

The monks are preparing a place in the center of the garden.

For now Ganesha will sit outside the center until his peedam is finished. But now he is watching over all the plants and the monks.

The crane gets “put away”

Thank you Larry!

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