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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha is still in Baltimore and will be home tomorrow. At the Aadheenam, it is a quiet day.

The Pillaiyar Kulam shared news at lunch today. Shanmuganathswami is working on new presentations for the Hindu Heritage Endowment to help clarify the various “components” that go into maintaining endowments. This will help new potential donors and finance managers get a proper picture of whether they will do better to create their own endowment or if it maybe wiser to create a fund in the Hindu Heritage Endowment. HHE already has most of the necessary components that other newly created endowments have to pay for: accountants, managers, planned giving specialist consultants and more, all of which is automatically included for anyone who creates a fund in Hindu Heritage Endowment.

Yesterday was a tour day. Shama who hosted some guests writes:

“It beautiful day for Tour Day which brought visitors from all over the world. Here are some local Kauains who belong to a multi-religious group called the Kauai Contemplative Outreach Group which center on prayer and meditation. Their group leader is Liedeke Bulder (third from right in the back). They have visited here on several occasions in the past and find the Aadheenam “the most spiritual sanctuary they have ever visited.”

Malaysian devotees have taken on the goal to do the fund raising for the floor of the Iraivan temple. Check out their blog at:

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