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Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Take look on the side bar today to hear and read Bodhinatha’s latest Upadesha. Don’t miss it!

Sun Two brought us news today from the Ekadanta Kulam. Saravanathaswami has been continuing to handle all the Guru Purnima dedications that came in and he is also working on setting up Bodhinatha’s future travels.
Sadhaka Dandapani did a thorough review and upgrade of the Innersearch site, upgrading outdated photos and links. If you have not see it yet, click to see the fabulous slideshow he prepared of the recent Asian Odyssey

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

Quiet days at the Spiritual Park of Mauritius are enjoyable moments of appreciating natural beauty. The visitor can enjoy the soothing peace of the place. Sishyas are usually there to attend to some karma yoga, lovingly helping on various chores…

Today we bring you some photos from our Master Course students doing karma yoga at our center here.

Here are Bala, a Level Two MC student and Soundiren cleaning at the small Ganesha Shrine.

The Narmada Lingum ….. Lord Siva’s mystic presence around the whole place…

Veena cleaning the Ganesha Mandapam wooden railings…. Veena is an accountant at the Cyber Tower and is part of the HA team helping with the computer other MC students working on their new digital versions of the Master Course.

This week the Saivite Hindu Religion class was held in Flacq region where most of the youth live.

The lessons covered were on Brahmachariya and Hindu clothing..

Kulapati Mougam has kindly made his Hotel and Culinary Training Center (see it on the web here.) available to Himalayan Academy.

A view of one of the Keynotes…

Time for a little break…

The youth are happy. They have been explained in detail with examples, the importance of the Brahmachariya Vrata which many are planning to take on next Satguru Bodhinatha’s visit to Mauritius.

The next Lessons from SHR Book V will be on (a) Family Life and (b) How is Hinduism Organised.

All youth classes will be held in Flacq until completion of the BooK V syllabus in two months.

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