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Recent Tour Day

Last phase tour day photos from Isani Alahan. This photo features rudraksha ear-rings made by our mission members. Isani Alahan and Brahmacharini Lila Shaktidevi were the tour guides. Isani writes:

“A local young lady on the tour models her rudraksha earrings for the camera.”

The group takes a few minutes to explore the grounds and watch the stone lift
with the crane.

Guests signing the email list and receiving their chips of granite which are gathered and offered as a gift from the stone carvers.

A group photo of our respectful and divine souls that were guests on the tour today. There were about 45 visitors that walked the grounds and learned something about Hinduism.

After explaining that Hindus do not believe in intrinsic evil, on guests remarked that Hindus are very forgiving. Some have been here a few times over the years and love to return to view the progress of the temple.

They enjoy the peace and serenity the grounds provide and marvel at the amazing work in progress on Iraivan Temple.

A young couple Ashish and Leena Lohiya originally from Rajasthan. They now reside in San Diego, CA.

He’s an engineer and she is studying for her degree in accounting. They heard about the temple from friends.

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