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Siddhidata Kulam Weekly Fruit Harvesting

The monks grow a lot of their own food. Each week the Siddhidata Kulam goes around our properly and harvests fruit for the phase. After a dearth of some months our banana crop is coming back.

Also, as summer moves toward fall, more and more fruits mature. Passion fruits start ripening early. Lord Siva has had them pre-wrapped in sturdy hard shelled containers.

You can make marvelous nutritious sweet juice and smoothies from the rich, seedy pulp inside, a thirst quencher and boost for hard working monks on a hot day.

Lichi! They too come with a self-protecting wrapping, like many tropical fruits that need to guard themselves against birds and insects.

But inside prickly skin is a sweet little prize.

Every year we have the promise of a great avacado crop. It is always a question of weather and timing.

If there are hard rains and storms immediately after the trees flower, then the many flowers are destroyed and the crop is small. If there is a drought after the fruit sets, the trees will throw off their tiny little fruits as their stems dry out.

But if conditions are just right, flowers survive and the small fruits mature enough to form a strong stem, as they did this year, then there will can be more avacados than we can eat!

Cultivated as long ago as 500 BC by the Incas. some nutritionists call the avacado a nearly complete food, with it’s wide range of vitamins, minerals, fiber, the good kind of fats the body needs, extremely low glycemic index and very high quality protein (wide range of amino acids)

We have two Macadamian nut trees that provide a small crop of rich oily nuts

Here there around the property are rare fruiting varieties. These custard apples are “out of this world.”

Of course one the staple fruits of Hawaii is the papaya. It is a challenging fruit to grow in our wet Wailua area where they fruits are subject to a lot of fungus, but our Siddhidata Kulam has been carefully selecting the most hardy varieties over the years and right now we have steady stream coming in.

Did you know that a papaya has more Vitamin C than an orange? And lots of Vitamin A too!

Stalks of bananas are brought in to ripen just outside the kitchen. They are hung on ropes from the roof eves.

As they mature we cover them with plastic bags to keep the birds away.

Our giant blue Macaw, Viyagrapada “Tiger Foot” has amazing eye sight. He can see what is happening 1000’s of feet away and he knows there’s a lot of food arriving today.

Feeding him some sample of what ever you have is mandatory by his book. He loves to eat whatever humans eat: chapati’s, popcorn and fresh fruit are always a winner. And on pizza night he will definitely be very happy to test your pesto sauce!

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