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Weekly Tour Day

The weekly public tour always brings a sense of triumph of the human spirit. From every possible walk of life and religious background they come so open and willing to listen and understand the ways of others. Not only listen but empathize and reach for a oneness of spirit and common ground.

Today we also had a special class called “Akamai Learning Center” taught by Felicia Cowden. These fortunate children are “taught by doing” and experience a field trip every week. They are currently studying India and are reading Hinduism Today’s publication for this age group.  They are learning about yoga, ayurveda, Indian cooking, Indian history, Ghandi, and have a student whose grandparents were born and raised in India. 

Kandan was gracious enough to give two demonstrations today.

They couldn’t wait to touch everything.

Future carvers . . .

Artists . . .

And leaders . . .

Learn by doing is the theme of their school.

Small home study learning groups on Kauai will certainly produce some remarkable leaders for our future.

After hearing about the radiant soul within they all sat down in Kadavul after the tour and went on an innersearch.

One Response to “Weekly Tour Day”

  1. Felicia Cowden says:

    Thank you so much for the wonderful tour, and this loving acknowledgement of our school. (Our computer has been down until today.) We sent a card we made in the mail. We have continued to apply the healthy guidance we learned from the Hindu teachings since our visit. Deva Seyon was a very caring guide. We thank the Kauai Hindu Monastery for all the loving energy they extend to the people of Kauai.
    With Maximum Respect and Aloha,
    Felicia and the students of Akamai Learning

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