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Sun Three

Sun Three at the Aadheenam. The Siddhidata Kulam reported on their work this phase.


Repairing Pool Basins

The stream to the Aadheenam is turned off while the county repairs outlets deep in the edges of the giant Wailua Reservoir one mile north of the Aadheenam. It is a reminder of how precious the irrigation system on Kauai is, and how important it be maintained into the future.

This is one of the ponds closest to the edge of the pali cliff that falls off into the Wailua River Valley. The Aadheenam sits just back of the edge and our “pali path” walks are built right at and over the edge.

Now is the time to fix serious leaks that have eroded a lot of soil underneath the pond and sidewalk.

The Siddhidata Kulam has been working hard on this project now for over a week. We filled in as best we could last week and then had some rains. The rains filled in the ponds and were a useful test and showed us were we ha other leaks to repair.

Here is Sadhaka Rajanatha. The Siddhidata Kulam has become quite adept at concrete work.

Inspections under the pali path showed some serious cracks and had we let them go, the side walk might have been seriously compromised at this point next to the pool

Our SK team has poured in some pilings that should will keep the walk secure for years to come. The key will be to make sure there is no water flowing underneath in the future.

Monastery Twitter Updates for 2010-04-18

    1983 photo of Gurudeva in Sri Lanka during his World Tour. Part of the old photos the monks are digitizing. #

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