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Tirukural – Chapter 50

Chapter 50: Understanding the Right Place

Verse 495
A seasoned old crocodile has found safety from a hunter in deep water. A callow youth has moved onto the bank where the hunter may slay him.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver’s Wisdom

Verse 491

Neither ridicule the opposition nor initiate an offensive
until you possess a strategic place from which to strike.

Verse 492

In battle, a fortified position yields plentiful advantages,
even to those already possessing power and prowess.

Verse 493

Even the weak may prevail if they pick the right field of action,
establish good defenses and then fight well.

Verse 494

When an attacker lays siege from a strategic location,
his enemy’s thoughts of conquest become unthinkable.

Verse 495

In a river’s depths the crocodile is unconquerable,
but others may defeat him if he leaves those waters.

Verse 496

A massive chariot with mighty wheels cannot sail the sea;
nor can an ocean-going ship traverse the land.

Verse 497

Fearlessness is the only friend one needs,
if he relentlessly ponders from which place to pounce.

Verse 498

Even a small army, if well-entrenched, can repel
the power of a large army, forcing it to retreat.

Verse 499

Even if they are without firm forts and inferior in force,
a people defending their own soil are difficult to defeat.

Verse 500

The fearless elephant may slaughter a multitude of warriors,
yet be slain by a single jackal if his legs sink in muddy marsh.

One Response to “Tirukural – Chapter 50”

  1. Pethuraja says:


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