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Gurudeva Interviewed by Loni Petranek, Part V

This is a radio interview conducted by Loni Petranek with Gurudeva. The interview gives an overview of Gurudeva's worldwide mission. In the fifth part today Gurudeva shares with Loni about the "Drug Free Kauai" CD that was produced to help eradicate illegal drugs from the island. Loni also asks Gurudeva to share some insight into the Iraivan temple.

Unedited Transcript:

Gurudeva: Similarly, if a movie star acting out some violent portrayal of a part, causes somebody else to do that, the karma comes back on him. The producer, the writer, the camera people, everybody shares a little bit of that very bad karma. So, that is kind of scary, fooling around with the law of karma.

Loni: Well, I am glad you brought that up, because many people don't take responsibility for their actions, thoughts, words and deeds. I think, that is a very important thing to bring up in the CD.

Gurudeva: Yes, taking responsibility and knowing the consequences of the actions. Like, no kid will ride a 50 foot wave because he knows the consequence of that action. Well, taking ice ruins the brain, that is the consequence there. You become a walking zombie eventually or go to free room and board, with Warden Neal at KCCC.

Loni: Yes, yes. Also, some of them actually do it when they are pregnant. So then, you are passing this on to the other generation.

Gurudeva: Exactly. So, this is an educational CD and it is to go to PTA members. In fact, 10 are going out to PTA members next week and then, they will have discussions about them. It is being supported with community funds, which is nice. Rotary Club, King Motor and other organizations.

Loni: Now, speaking about a vision in the future. You just started laying cement for this wonderful temple that you have envisioned. What was the intent of actually having this temple on Kauai?

Gurudeva: In India, there are many places of pilgrimage where you can go. No one takes a vacation there, they go on a pilgrimage. A vacation to a citizen of India is rather new. They go on a religious pilgrimage. They prepare for the pilgrimage. They take the children on the pilgrimage and that is how the religion is taught, with the people they meet along the way and so forth. So right now, we have millions of people from India, who are Hindus, in the United States, Europe, Singapore and Malaysia, who cannot find their way around in India or it is too expensive for them to fly from New York to India. Their children have never been to India because they have been born in America. But, they are of our religion. So, we have created a place of pilgrimage here on Kauai. Even now, every day we have 3 or 4 families, from India or of Indian origin, from Guyana, or Malaysia, or Singapore come to the monastery, participating in building the temple. Funds are coming in from over 40 countries, regularly month after month. So, through the years it will be a place of pilgrimage. People won't live on the island, they will just come to the island. We have no living facilities. So, they will be in B & B's and hotels, in the Kapaa side probably. They will stay for a week or two and then go back, renewed and uplifted.

Photo of  Gurudeva
Go on a pilgrimage once a year, read scriptures daily, perform puja daily, go to the temple at least once a week, if not more often--fulfill these disciplines, known as the pancha nitya karmas. This is the basic Saiva Siddhanta sadhana.