All About Kauai’s Hindu Monastery

Travel-Study Programs§

An adventurous way to discover the teachings of Kauai’s Hindu Monastery is to join Satguru and the monks on one of their travel-study programs. We call these journeys “Inner­search,” because each one is a pilgrimage to the Divine inside of you. The beauty, color and grandeur of the outer voyage—to exotic places like India, Cambodia, Malaysia, Australia and Mauritius—is but a reflection of the bliss and richness of the inner exploration. A typical day includes morning explorations into the vast realms of meditation, instructional satsanga on how to live a spiritually dynamic life, and special visits to holy men and women, ashrams and temples. There are hatha yoga classes, question-and-answer sessions and lots of time for informal sharing with the monks as seekers delve within through worship, yoga and fellowship. Innersearch is a cultural safari, a travel adventure combining Hindu spirituality with a high-minded retreat from your day-to-day routine. It can be a life-changing experience like none other.§§