A Character Building Workbook


Read here—bit.ly/content-13—how an urban American boy named Yogesh travels to India, where he discovers the simple joys of rural life—milking a cow, playing with friends and climbing trees—and realizes he doesn’t need expensive gadgets to be content.§

Contentment means being satisfied with the circumstances of one’s life, relationships and possessions. I practice it by not wanting more or wishing my life was different. Its opposite is dissatisfaction.§

Comparing the behavior of one who is content to one who is dissatisfied§




Associating with a loved one, you…§

enjoy the way they relate to you, and are glad they are part of your life.§

perpetually complain that they are not affectionate enough.§

Reflecting on the life of wealthier people, you…§

reaffirm that spiritual progress is more important than wealth.§

feel unfulfilled and frustrated.§

When record snow falls in your town, you…§

revel in the wintery beauty and help children build a snowman.§

moan and groan each day until spring arrives.§

Gurudeva explained: “The sadhana is to seek joy and serenity in life, remaining content with what one has, knows, is doing and those with whom he associates. Bear your karma cheerfully. Live within your situation contentedly.”§

“Maintaining joy and serenity in life means being content with your surroundings, be they meager or lavish. Be content with your money, be it a small amount or a large amount. Be content with your health. Bear up under ailments and be thankful that they are not worse than they are. Protect your health if it is good. It is a valuable treasure. Be content with your friends. Basically, contentment, santosha, is freedom from desire gained by redirecting the forces of desire and making a beautiful life within what one already has in life.”§


ASSIGNMENT: For these two weeks, watch for an experience that makes you feel discontented, and work to find a way to be satisfied with how it turned out.§

Date you began this assignment ____________________§


