Decisiveness means acting with certainty and firmness. I practice it by carefully considering a matter, praying for Ganesha’s guidance, making a decision and following through with determination. The opposite is indecisiveness.§
Comparing the actions of one who is decisive to one who is indecisive§ |
Situation§ |
Decisiveness§ |
Indecisiveness§ |
In making a major decision about your family, you…§ |
actively implement a plan based on judgment, logic, sound research and the advice of others.§ |
can’t conclude which approach to take and so put the matter off into the future.§ |
In facing peer pressure to change a decision you have made, you…§ |
consider the input but, after thoughtful assessment, hold your ground.§ |
give in simply to mollify those who stand against you.§ |
When a friend crashes the car you are both riding in, you…§ |
immediately take charge, call for help and see if first-aid is needed.§ |
freeze, thinking you should help, but worry what might happen if you make a mistake.§ |
Gurudeva explained: “Changeableness means indecision, not being decisive, changing one’s mind after making a deliberate, positive decision. Changing one’s mind can be a positive thing, but making a firm, well-considered decision and not following it through would gain one the reputation of not being dependable, even of being weak-minded.”§
“To be indecisive and changeable is not how we should be on the path to enlightenment, nor to be successful in any other pursuit. Nonperseverance and fear must be overcome, and much effort is required to accomplish this.”§
ASSIGNMENT: During these two weeks, be observant of your decision-making. If you find yourself doubting and hesitating to make a decision, carefully review the options again and seek guidance from the wise; and once the matter is clear, make your choice.§
Date you began this assignment ____________________§