Self-confidence means trusting in one’s abilities and skills. I practice it by remembering my past successes when embarking on a new project. The opposite is self-doubt.§
Comparing the actions of one who is self-confident to one who is self-doubting§ |
Situation§ |
Self-Confidence§ |
Self-Doubt§ |
You get an unexpected offer to start a promising new business, and…§ |
remembering past successes, bravely accept the challenge.§ |
are assailed by self-doubt and tell the principals you have enough happening in your life.§ |
When the guru gives you a new spiritual assignment that seems impossible, you…§ |
rely on your conviction that we are each a divine being and set out to succeed.§ |
fear you are not as strong as he seems to think and decide to ignore his instructions.§ |
One day you wake up with a great idea that will change your life forever, so you…§ |
use affirmations to enhance your confidence and set out on the new journey into the future.§ |
conclude this is just another wild idea for which you have neither the knowledge or the skills, and do nothing.§ |
Gurudeva explained: “All you can do in living your life every day is to make today just a little bit better than yesterday was. You will then have confidence in yourself, so that tomorrow will be all right, too, and you won’t fear the tomorrows.”§
“In order to be confident within yourself, have no fear. In order to have no fear, say to yourself, “I am all right, right now.” This will quickly bring you into the here-and-now consciousness.”§
“Someone who meditates has confidence in all departments of life. You can build that confidence. If you sit down to meditate, meditate! Don’t get sidetracked on anything else, no matter how attractive it may be.”§
ASSIGNMENT: During these two weeks, if when starting a new project, you don’t feel confident, use the affirmation “I can, I will, I am able to accomplish what I plan.”§
Date you began this assignment ____________________§