Lion Sage: Merging with Śiva for Kids

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e greatest thing that a seeker can learn is that all knowing is within. Go to the great superconscious school within you and bring forth knowledge. In his eleventh adventure Mystic Mouse discovers that affi rmation is one of the greatest tools for awakening confi dence and a positive a itude. He is determined to use affi rmations to overcome fears and limitations, to awaken his many talents so he lives the best possible life. Lion Sage gives his student several affi rmations and even teaches him to write his own. Soon Mystic Mouse is saying these positive statements whenever he needs a li le boost, whenever he is a li le worried about how things might work out. And, just like magic, he nds that these simple statements take away his worry. ey take away his lack of confi dence. And they take away all that is not right in his mind and mood.