Living with Śiva

Business Tithing Reconciliation

Member completing this form:§

Name: __________________________________§

Address: __________________________________


Beneficiary organization:§

Name: __________________________________§

Address: __________________________________


1. Net Profit§

If a sole proprietorship, write the total amount of net profit earned by the business during the year. If a partnership, write the share of net profit earned by this partner.§

1. ____________§

2. Funds Drawn§

Write the amount of funds drawn out of the business by this owner/partner for personal use during the year. (Enter this amount on line 2a of your Personal Tithing Reconciliation.)§

2. ____________§

3. Drawings Exceeding Net Profits§

Subtract line 2 from line 1. If a negative number, your drawings exceeded your share of net profits for the year.§

3. ____________§

4. Carry-over from Previous Year§

If at the end of the previous year your cumulative drawings exceeded your cumulative net profit share, enter the amount on this line. (This amount, if any, is found on line 5 of last year’s Business Tithing Reconciliation and is to be entered only if it is a negative number.)§

4. ____________§

5. Cumulative Balance§

Add together lines 3 and 4. This is the cumulative balance between your share of net profit and funds actually drawn at the end of this year. Check one box below.§

5. ____________§

☐ Line 5 is negative and shows I have a credit to forward to next year’s Business Tithing Reconciliation. (Enter zero on line 2b of the Personal Tithing Reconciliation.)§

☐ Line 5 is positive and shows I have undrawn income on which tithe is owed. (Enter this amount on line 2b of the Personal Tithing Reconciliation.)§



I took my daśama bhāga vrata on (date): ________________________________



1. Individuals who are self-employed complete both this Business Tithing Reconciliation and the Personal Tithing Reconciliation and submit both together to the beneficiary organization.§

2. Please make one copy of your completed form for your own records and send the original to the beneficiary organization.§