Songs of Saint Tayumanavar

Songs of Tayumanavar

Let us in Meekness Worship (1/3)

What is it, which is
Uncircumscribed Effulgence,
Perfect Bliss,
Divine-Love Filled --

What is it, which willed
To contain the countless universes
In boundless space
And there flourishes as Life of life, -

What is it, which stood
Transcending thought and word,

What is it, which remained
As the ever contentious object
Of countless faiths claiming,
''This, my God,'' ''This, our God''--

What is it, which exists as
and Eternal -

What is it, which knows
No limits of
Night and day -

That indeed is what is agreeable to thought,
That indeed is what fills all space in silentness.

That indeed is what we in meekness worship.