Songs of Saint Tayumanavar

Songs of Tayumanavar

The Siddha Elite (9/10)

Possessed of curved claws in hands and feet,
Taking shelter in caves,
Turned gleaming white with holy ashes smeared in full,
The eyes gazing sunny skyward, lids batting not,
The heart exulting day and night
In tearing the dark elephants (senses) to pieces,
Glorying in the skins of diverse tigers peeled,
Taking their abode in the high mountains
Covered with stately trees reaching up to the heavens
And shielding the rays of sun from penetrating to earth -
Because of these parallels
Thou art described by the great
As the Leonine King of Tapas.

Oh! Thou, the Siddha Elite of Divine Light
That hath reached the Vedanta-Siddhanta accord high!