Songs of Saint Tayumanavar

Songs of Tayumanavar

The Pervasiveness that is Bliss (4/10)

Satisfying gnawing hunger
By unripe fruits and leaves,
By fruits that have dropped of themselves,
By leaves that have withered dry;

Sitting immobile for long
With eyes closed
Like a dark granite stone
In the caves of black mountains;

Staying in fire,
Standing in water,
Turning emaciated like a skeleton,
Hair on head growing like a bird's nest,
Squatting in the blazing sun,
Sitting in silentness -
Breath controlled and mind controlled -
Retreating into the forest,
With kundalini fire ascending to the moon's sphere
And drinking deep of the ambrosia that flows;

Thus did the wise seek
The Grace that is the final end of Vedas.
Is it right that this slave should seek worldy ends?