Songs of Saint Tayumanavar

Songs of Tayumanavar

Ocean of Bliss (3/12)

My Lord!
Even stone may melt at one time
But not my heart.

Is the Four Headed Brahma a God
To create the hard heartedness
That does not soften in pity?

Is the saying untrue
That what the Mighty lays down is law?
It is for Thee to stand
As the high heavens
And rain the bliss of Thy Grace
And redeem me.

If the child is wicked
Is it meet for the mother to reject him?
Is there any other place of refuge?

If I speak false
Will I not become a stranger to Grace
And be graded low?

No bliss is there
If I clamor aloud in words.
Grant me Thy Grace
And make me seated in silentness.

Oh! Thou, the Ocean of Bliss
That is Cosmic Light!
The Pervasive God
That is Attributeless Pure!