Songs of Saint Tayumanavar

Songs of Tayumanavar

The Pervasive Being (5/11)

Though a hypocrite I am,
Who never shed a genuine tear,
Nor melted from the bottom of heart for love of Thee,

Yet with folded hands I danced and sang
And showed continuous flow of tears
And endless played the outward drama of love crying
''My Lord! Cosmic Light! Father! I am Thy slave!''

The world knows this a bit.
Nor is it unknown to Thy Compassionate Grace.

Pray, take a little pity on me now.
Teach this poor man
The state of eternal liberation
And the truth of reality
So I may think of nothing else
And be blessed in Truth Bliss!

Oh! Thou the Pervasive Being
That is Life of life
Of this world and next!