Songs of Saint Tayumanavar

Songs of Tayumanavar

Siva That is Truth-Knowledge-Bliss (11/11)

Whether I seek the cool shades of the goodly bower
Laden with fragrant flowers,
Whether I drink deep of the pellucid, cool waters,
Whether I sport in those waters,
Whether I take my gentle stroll on the terrace
With damsels of soft fragrance,
Whether I delight in the white beams of moonlight
That is bright as day,
Whether I taste of delicious food of varied dishes,
Sweet as ambrosia of the mythical milky ocean,

Whether with fragrant garland,
Betel leaf and areca nut,
I sleep and sleep not sporting in delights,

In all, all situations,
May I think of your Grace,
Never, never forgetting it!

This boon do Thou grant
And save this forlorn creature!

Oh! Thou Sivam
That is Truth-Knowledge-Bliss!
The Cosmic Principle
That is Total-Fullness-Perfect!