Songs of Saint Tayumanavar

Songs of Tayumanavar

Beauty of Knowledge Bliss-Dawn (3/10)

Oh! Thou the Spaces Vast!
Where the elements five as one merge,
Come to rest final!

Oh! Thou Light Divine!
That shineth as Grace,
Without beginning, middle and end!

Oh! Thou Being,
With Form Twine
And Formless, too,
With attributes none
That groweth vast!

Oh! Thou Turiya Awareness of Void!
And the Grace Nature
That giveth awareness
To one who experienceth turiya state!

Oh! Thou the Primal One
That ever shineth as the Just
And the inexorable Law of Compassion!

Oh! My Father,
I melt in distress severe.
Do Thou end my sorrow!

Knowing my thoughts
Will you ever grant me Thy Grace
And will I ever be redeemed?

Oh! Thou the Brahman that is unknowable!
The One that is Purity Perfection!
The Spaces Vast where dawns
The Knowledge that is Bliss!