Songs of Saint Tayumanavar

Songs of Tayumanavar

Beauty of Knowledge Bliss-Dawn (6/10)

Knowing deep the ways of yama
And the ways of niyama
And the diverse asanas and the rest of yoga,
And the way of ajapa mantra
That shines radiant in the lotus of the heart;

And then bowing low to Kundalini Mother in muladhara,
Sending up her glowing flame to the limitless heights
Of the moon's mystic sphere,

In the way of chant
We were silent taught
And there burying our thoughts,
And drinking deep in the Ocean of ambrosial waters
Get transformed into deathless state of ambrosia,
And attaining the triumphant
Siddha Yoga state that ensues,
Beach the Nana goal;
Will this ever be for me?

Oh! Thou the Brahman that is unknowable!
The One that is Purity Perfection!
The Spaces Vast where dawns
The Knowledge that is Bliss!