Songs of Saint Tayumanavar

Songs of Tayumanavar

The Pervasive Being (9/11)

Wearing the bark of trees,
Pecking at wild grains,
Appeasing hunger when fallen dried leaves
Find their way into the mouth,
Suffering from fire, sun and rain,
Rousing the kundalini fire from muladhara
And sending it up to the cranium top,
Standing plunged in water -
Thus, holding this body is not ours forever,
Thine devotees performed yoga
Seeking to attain spiritual Bliss.

But, I, the sinner,
Eating what I liked,
What satisfied the six flavors *[1] of the palate,
Wearing all that fancy too,
Residing in mansions, tall and towered,
With care none, day and night,
Enjoying the company of women,
How am I to find redemption -
Pray, speak!

Oh! Thou the Pervasive Being
That is Life of life
Of this world and next!


[1] Six flavors: 1) Saltiness 2) Sweetness 3) Sourness 4) Bitterness 5) Astringency 6) Pungency