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Bodhinatha's Visit to Nallur in Jaffna, Sri Lanka

On January 30, 2015, Bodhinatha visited the holy city of Nallur in Jaffna. First, Bodhinatha worshiped at the Nallur Kandaswami Temple, a place of great importance to our guru parampara. Then he visited the nearby Chellappaswami samadhi temple. He also visited the Nallai Aadheenam and met with the aadheenakarthar, Sri Somasaundara Paramachariya Swami.

Balinese and Malaysian Stories in Upcoming Hinduism Today

In the upcoming April/May/June 2015 edition of Hinduism Today, the grand and colorful annual Kuningan festival of Germany's Balinese community is presented to us by Niraj Thaker of London, who went on assignment to Hamburg to capture their captivating story of community togetherness and cultural preservation. Lavina Melwani brings us the story of Datuk Ramli Ibrahim, a Malay Muslim who has become an icon of Bharatanatyam and Odissi dance, traversing the world and stunning audiences with glimpses into the world of the Gods and Goddesses.

Our Site's New Search Engine

When we ask CyberCadets (Gurudeva's affectionate name for all of you who use our sites) what the most important improvement would be for them, we get one answer: "Better search engine." Our team has been working for months (not on this one project, of course) to address this need, and today we are delighted to announce that it's here: a Google Custom Search Engine with extra refinements by our team.

At the top-right of every page you will now find a search field that says "search this site." You can use the same strategies for your search as you would on Google, using several keywords or putting an exact string into quotes for a precise target. One we like is to ask: books "fear of death" and you will get back all references to "fear of death" in the books. Or you can ask: TAKA "Kumar Gurukkal" to go to pages showing when he was here at the monastery in the last few years. Or type: art rajam ganesha to find one of 134 works of art S. Rajam created depicting Lord Ganesha. Or type: Gurudeva Sivaratri.

There is more. Once you click search, the engine will give you the returns on a new page. In the case of that last query, we get 286 references in Google's style to which we are all accustomed. Here on the results page you will now see a series of tabs between the search field and results. They are named AUDIO, TAKA, ART, BOOKS, PHOTOS, VIDEO, HINDUISM TODAY, etc.

If you now click on the AUDIO tab after searching Gurudeva Sivaratri, you will be instantly presented with 55 results only of Gurudeva's talks. You can get the most recent talks (or TAKA posts) by choosing "Date" instead of "Relevance" from the "Sort by" selector at the top-right of the results.

We invite you to discover the vast resources on our sites, and also to send us a note sharing your experience and suggesting how we can make search even more serviceable on our site in the future.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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