Today at Kauai Aadheenam

Greenhouse Revival Part Two!

Several months ago our Greenhouse was infested by little bugs which caused all the tomatoes and peppers to rot. When something like this happens we have to shut down the greenhouse completely in order to clean everything and restart the plants. Due to this the monastery faced some shortage of tomatoes for our daily cooking. Now, the monks of the Siddhidatta Kulam have started to get the greenhouse up and running again. After the removal of the plants and initial cleaning, the team has started to re-paint the white floor. Before that they had to do some prep work by vacuuming and cleaning to remove any and all dust or debris. Just a few days ago, our long-time member Brahmachari Vel Mahalingam from Mauritius, arrived on island for a three-month stay. He is helping the Siddhidatta Kulam get the greenhouse back in action as soon as possible, so that we can have our delicious tomatoes and peppers for our kitchen again.

Jai Ganesha!

Greenhouse Revival Part Two! Read More »

Jai Hanumanji!

Improvements on Hanuman Hill

The 13-foot-tall bronze Anjaneya was moved to his hillock in 2018 and gardens planted around Him, but we never placed stone on the platform He stands on, until now.

Fitting the quartzite stones. This stone (from Brasil) is thin and quite hard, hard enough that it provides few footholds for mold or lichens, which in the tropics commonly populate paths and cause slipperiness.
Doug is a master mason and makes short work of the task.
From the visitors’ point of view. Doug notes at other worksites nobody comes by to chant Sanskrit hymns (Hanuman Chalisa) for ten minutes as he works.
There is no water or electricity out here by the Rudraksha Forest, so it has to be done the old fashioned way.
Being careful as he approaches the bronze.
The finished work just needing a little washing
This code (or this link: will take you to the amazing story of our Hanuman, a story with 11 illustrated chapters and a life-lesson from Gurudeva

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Five Steps to Enlightenment, Part Two

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly upadesha in Kadavul Temple at Kauai’s Hindu Monastery in Hawaii. It is part of a series of talks elaborating on the inspired teachings of Satguru Śivaya Subramuniyaswami as found in his book Merging With Śiva.

“The Self is so simple. You have to be so simple to realize the Self, not simple-minded, but so unattached. Awareness has to be able to move so nimbly through the mind, like a graceful deer going through the forest, so deftly through the mind, that none of the sticky substance of the mind, so to speak, sticks onto awareness and holds it steadfast for a period of time. And only with that agility can you move awareness in quickly to the Source, in on itself, until you come out having realized the Self. It is an experience you come out of more than go into.

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A Happy 82nd Jayanti to Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami!

Jai to the Nandinatha Sampradaya!

Jai to the Kailasa Parampara!

Jai Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami!

Today we celebrate Satguru’s 82nd Jayanti. Throughout the day, many blessings and good wishes have been coming in from throughout the world, and this evening the monks will enjoy a special evening meal with Satguru. The monks of the Siddhidatta kulam have been preparing the bountiful feast, while others have been gathering special gifts and decorating.

Leave your birthday wishes in the comments and we’ll make sure Satguru gets them!

From the Kularnava Tantra:

“And Lord Siva said: How can My subtle perfection, which is one, omnipresent, attributeless, indifferent, undecaying, unattached like space, unbeginning and unending, be an object of worship for the dualistic mind? Hence it is that I as the Supreme Guru have entered into the bodies of human Satgurus.

“Even My gross aspect, being full of light and energy, is imperceptible to human eyes. For this reason I have assumed the form of the Satguru in the world, and thus protect the race of sishyas.

“As Mahesvara, in human body I secretly wander on the Earth in order to favor sishyas. As Sadasiva, I assume the modest and merciful form for the protection of sadhakas. Though remaining above samsara, yet I appear and act in this world as though I were a man of samsara.

When the fruits of sin predominate, Satguru is seen as a person. And when the fruits of virtuous acts prevail, Satguru is seen as Siva. Like blind men deprived forever of seeing the sun, unfortunate jivas are unable to see the real Satguru, the embodiment of Mahesvara, though He is present before their eyes. It is undoubtedly true that Satguru is Deva Sadasiva Himself, for who is it that grants Liberation to seekers if Satguru be not Siva Himself?

O Beloved, there is not the least difference between Deva Sadasiva and Sriguru. Whoever makes a distinction between them commits a sin. For by assuming the form of a preceptor, the Gurudeva severs the multitude of bonds which bind jivas to the state of pasu and enables them to attain the Self, Parasivam.

Aum Namah Sivaya

A Happy 82nd Jayanti to Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami! Read More »

Refreshing the Greenhouse

Our monastic greenhouses where created by, and have long been cared for by, the monks of the Siddhidatta Kulam. After many years of Kauai’s weather, the shades are now in need of some deep cleaning and repairs. Due the the strong UV sunlight we have here, the shades had started to deteriorate. This is bad for many reasons, one of the main ones being that the plants are no longer as protected from the sun. These shades automatically go up and down based on the sunlight and heat. If it’s too bright, they lower to protect the fragile plants from the light and if it’s cloudy out, they raise up to offer as much light as possible. The SK Team decided to replace the torn shades with new ones, but in the process discovered that the greenhouse needed to be thoroughly washed. Today they spent the morning pressure washing the greenhouse to make it look like new.

Jai Ganesha!

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Today in Siva’s Garden

False Fruit Tree, a truly rare plant that few have ever seen
Namasivaya Aum

Enter Siva’s Garden

The garden changes day to day, hour to hour, it is never the same. Walk along the paths today and it won’t be like it was last month. This is the garden now, October 12, 2024. Did you know that plants can communicate with each other and with insects through chemical signals. When under attack by pests, some plants release volatile organic compounds into the air. These signals can warn neighboring plants to preemptively strengthen their own defenses and can also attract the predators of the pests attacking them, effectively calling for backup. And there is this: Some plants exhibit incredible adaptability to extreme environments. For instance, Welwitschia mirabilis, found in the Namib Desert, survives with only the moisture from fog and dew; it can live for over a thousand years in one of the harshest environments on Earth.

This is the awesome infructesence of the Sugar Palm tree by rishi from the Himalayas. It is almost 6 feet tall and actually is touching the ground.

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