சிவபெருமானுடன் ஐக்கியமாதல்
Merging With Siva – Tamil
Merging with Siva, Hinduism’s Contemporary Metaphysics is a guide for one who is ready to diligently walk the spiritual path. Great new vistas open up throughout its 365 daily lessons as Gurudeva shares, in the clearest terms, deep metaphysical insights into the nature of God, soul and world, mind, emotions, ultimate realizations, chakras, purpose of life on earth and much, much more. Simple but effective practices are taught: how to remould our nature and karmas, calm the mind, develop self-esteem, begin to meditate, clear up the past and create a bright future. At the same time, the seeker is guided in establishing a regular devotional and yogic practice whereby the gains of his inner life and realizations are stabilized and used in practical ways.
Translated by Ram Prasad Lakshmana Rao in Chennai. The translation was begun in September of 2020 and completed in July, 2021. Shanthi Suresh from Los Angeles proof read the translation and said that Ram conveyed into Tamil the teachings of Gurudeva with great accuracy.
Ram is an experienced translator and his past work has included Tamil Subtitles for 80 English serials and English subtitles for 30 Tamil serials. He’s done other translations in the areas of automotive instructions, Medical instructions for patients, Monthly/Yearly Astrology, CWC Worldcup-19, Zee News in Tamil and more.
Languages: English: Fluent; Tamil: Native or Bilingual; Hindi: Fluent; French: Conversational
Education: University of Madras, Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.), Mechanical
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