Hinduism’s Contemporary Metaphysics
365 enlightenment lessons from a mystical master, revealing the depths of raja yoga, the clear white light, the states of mind and the ultimate spiritual destiny of every seeker
Author By Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Author’s Introduction
Chapter 1: How to Realize God
Paraśiva, Life’s Ultimate Goal
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Like a Child’s Self-Discovery
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Defining the Destination
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Harnessing the Energies
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Preparations For True Yoga
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Perspective Of the Knower
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
A Path Of Love
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 2: All Knowing Is Within You
The Immortal Body of the Soul
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Everything Is Within You
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Handling Each Experience
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
No Good, No Bad
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Inner States, Outer States
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Experience Without Reacting
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Waiting for Intuitive Flashes
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 3: The Purpose of Life
Find the Core Of Your Being
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Awareness as A Lotus Flower
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Path of Unfoldment
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Making Wise Decisions
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Using the Power Of Observation
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Are You Ready To Turn Inward?
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
On Earth to Realize the Self
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 4: The River of Life
The River, a Symbol of Life
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Affectionate Detachment
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Subconscious Basement
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
“Nobody Understands Me”
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Be Like the River Water
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Performing Gaṅgā Sādhana
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Śiva’s Perfect Universe
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 5: The Story of Awareness
Awareness, a Ball of Light
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Claim the Being Of Yourself
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Mechanics Of Attachment
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Living Two-Thirds Within
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Great Study Of Awareness
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Awareness and Consciousness
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Awareness Finds A New Home
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 6: Wisdom’s Path
The Purity Of Awareness
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Mind Is Complete
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Remaining Free, Detached
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Power of Observation
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Tapping into Your Intuition
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Superconscious Signposts
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Maturity Of Being
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 7: Willpower
Finish What You Start
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Willpower Is the Fuel
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Realization Requires Will
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Progress Takes Discipline
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Hold Awareness Firmly
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Don’t Get Sidetracked
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Gaining Self-Control
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 8: The Clear White Light
Beyond Past And Future
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Capturing the Here and Now
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Psychic Sounds
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Cardinal Signposts
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Leaders Of Tomorrow
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Turning to the Inner Light
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Springboard To Eternity
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 9: The Lotus Of the Heart
Emanations From Within
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Subtlety Within You
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Evolution Of Awareness
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Pendulum Of Emotion
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Cycles of Experience
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Diamond Of Light
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Ardent Striving On the Path
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 10: From Darkness To Light
The Light of Understanding
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Disappointment, Discouragement
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Emotional Maturity
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Understanding Other People
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Facing Yourself
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Yoga Break
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Finding Time For a Break
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 11: The Power Of Affirmation
Affirmation Is a Power
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Reprogramming Old Patterns
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Drawing on the Higher Energies
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Use the Power Of Feeling
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
All Your Needs Will Be Met
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Consistency Is Essential
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
All Knowing Is within You
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 12: Beginning To Meditate
Unanticipated Consequences
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Mastery of The Mind
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Odic and Actinic Forces
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Transmuting The Energies
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Benefits Of Meditation
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Becoming Simple
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Discipline And Success
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 13: Five Steps to Enlightenment
Step One: Attention
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Step Two: Concentration
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Step Three: Meditation
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Step Four: Contemplation
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Step Five: Self Realization
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Going in and Coming out
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
After Self Realization
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 14: Life, the Great Experience
Establish Basic Principles
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Seeking for Understanding
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Experience Is A Classroom
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
We Create Our Mind Each Instant
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Art of Being Constant
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Awakening Willpower
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
To Live a Radiant Life
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 15: Facing Life’s Test
Restraints and Observances
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Learning to Face Yourself
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Each Test Is an Opportunity
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
On the Edge of The Mountain
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Transcending Pettiness
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Changing Your Circumstances
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Learning to Assimilate
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 16: I’m All Right,Right Now
Everything Is Perfect!
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Lean on Your Own Spine
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Realization Is the Key
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Meditative Perspective
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Living Positively
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Abiding in the Eternal Now
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Anticipated Reactions
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 17: The Eternal Now
You Only Have a Minute
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Torn Between Past and Future
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
I’m All Right, Right Now (Audio Missing)
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Progress Takes Persistence
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Quest For Security
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Be a Friend To Yourself
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Finding the Eternal Now
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 18: Love Is The Sum of the Law
What Is Pure Love?
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Love Conquers Selfishness
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Find Your Security Within
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Power Of Devotion
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Bring Forth Good Qualities
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Awaken True Love
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Be a Master Of Giving
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 19: Love of the Gods
The Nature Of Devotion
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Gods Are Living Realities
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Communing With the Gods
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Meaning Of Icon Worship
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Centrality Of Temples
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
In God’s Presence
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
How the Gods Work with Man
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 20: The Esoterics Of Worship
Lord Gaṇeśa, The Gatekeeper
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Your Will and The Gods’ Will
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Karma and Consciousness
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Oneness with Divine Law
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Potency Of Tradition
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Microcosm, Macrocosm
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Grace of The Gods
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 21: Total Surrender
Softening of The Heart
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Foundations for Fruitful Yoga
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Bhakti Is the Foundation
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Lower States Of Mind
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Stewards of Mind Realm
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
How Bhakti Is Cultivated
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Unqualified Surrender
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 22: The Path of Egoity
What Is the Āṇava Mārga?
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Self-Concern, Self-Preservation
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Fear, Anger and Opportunism
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Surrender Is The Way Out
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Pernicious, Persistent Ego
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Bound to The Path
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Exiting the Āṇava Mārga
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 23: The Yoga of Incantation
The Magic Of Japa
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Japa Opens Inner Doors
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Value Of Initiation
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Preparation And Propriety
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Esoterics Of Japa
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Getting the Most from Japa
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Pañchākshara Is Perfection
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 24: The Universe Of the Mind
The Inner and Outer Being
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Mind’s Three Phases
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Intellect and the Instinctive Mind
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Intellect And Intuition
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Five States of Mind
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Unfolding the Superconscious
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Understanding Is Control
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 25: The Conscious Mind
Not Getting Bogged Down
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Donkey And the Carrot
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Reason Reigns Supreme
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Like Writing On Water
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Shrouding the Soul Body
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Conscious and Subconscious
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Meaning Of Detachment
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 26: The Subconscious Mind
The Form of the Subconscious
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Resolving Past Experiences
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
A Channel To Intuition
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Facing Old Memories
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Never Fear The Past
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Meditation’s Great Obstacle
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Seeing Oneself In Others
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 27: The Sub of the Subconscious Mind
Where One Plus One Equals Three
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Fathoming the Unfathomable
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Mind’s Potent Alchemy
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Resolution In Dreams
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Not Analyzing Your Dreams
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Helpmate or Hindrance?
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Uncovering the Light of the Soul
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 28: The Superconscious Mind
Consciously Superconscious
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
When Are You Superconscious?
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Be Aware Of Energy
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Learn to Move Awareness
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Use Of Intuition
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Subduing The Intellect
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Self Never Changes
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 29: The Subsuperconscious Mind
The State of Perfect Timing
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Reprogramming The Subconscious
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Defining the Sub Superconscious
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Security in the Superconscious
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Flow of Creativity
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Bursts of Light And Intuition
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Proceed with Confidence!
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 30: The Nature Of Thought
Thought and Awareness
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Thought and Manifestation
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Awareness Externalized
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Sources Of Thought
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Being the Watcher
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Seeking a New Perspective
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Become The Watcher
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 31: The Physical and Prāṇic Bodies
Meet Your Physical Body
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Expressions of Actinic Force
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Personality and Individuality
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Tuning Up With Haṭha Yoga
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Sheath Of Vitality
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Experience Odic Prāṇa
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Trace the Source of Prāṇa
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 32: The Astral Body
Your Astral Counterpart
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Life on the Astral Plane
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Aura and Instinctive Mind
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Harnessing Instinctiveness
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Intellect, Or Outer Ego
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Intuitive Nature
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Soul Body, The Real You
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 33: The Human Aura
The Remarkable Human Aura
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Color’s Ceaseless Ebb and Flow
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Working with The Inner Aura
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Art of Seeing Auras
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Psychic Sight’s Use and Misuse
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chakras And Nāḍīs
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Improving Your Aura
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 34: Color’s Magic
Color-Flooding Your Aura
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Blessings and Their Opposite
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Exploring the World of Colors
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Methods for Self-Improvement
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Charging Your Aura with Prāṇa
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Protective Emanations
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Shielding Your Emotional Nature
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 35: Sleep and Dreams
The World Of Dreams
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Experiences on The Astral Plane
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Interpreting Dreams
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Shielding Your Emotional Nature
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Working with Our Dreams
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Continuity Of Consciousness
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Shared Dreams; Inner Darkness
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 36: Karma, the Natural Law
The Law of Cause and Effect
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
How We Face Our Karma
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Working It Out On the Inside
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Effect of Self Realization
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The State Of Resolve
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Role of The Satguru
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Categories Of Karma
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 37: The Fine Art Of Meditation
What Is Meditation?
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Meditation Is a Fine Art
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Thought, Diet And Desire
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Energy and Meditation
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Overcoming Karma
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Finding Your Guru
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Going Into Meditation
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 38: Powers of the Spine
The Iḍā and Piṅgalā Currents
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Spine’s Central Energy
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Withdrawing Into Sushumṇā
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
An Exercise in Energy Balance
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The High “eee” Sound
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Kuṇḍalinī, the Spiritual Force
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Way after Realization
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 39: Renunciate Life And the Two Paths
Distinguishing The Two Paths
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Meaning Of Renunciation
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Stage of Path-Choosing
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Way of The Bachelor
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Following Neither Path
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
A Message To Sannyāsins
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
A New Spiritual Birth
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 40: Men and Women Are Not the Same
The Ideals of Family Life
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Maintaining A Balance
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Spiritual Leadership
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Wife and Mother
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
How Forces Go Awry
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Nurturing Harmony
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Mutual Appreciation
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Chapter 41: Spinning Wheels Of Consciousness
14 Regions of Consciousness
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Mūlādhāra, the Realm of Memory
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
The Centers of Reason and Will
(Recording: Gurudeva’s real voice)
Cognition and Divine Love
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Divine Sight And Illumination
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Unfoldment Of Humanity
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chakra Cycles In Each Lifetime
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 42: The Evolution Of Consciousness
Iḍā, Piṅgalā, Sushumṇā
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Kuṇḍalinī Out of Control
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Quelling the Kuṇḍalinī
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Striving and One’s Dharma
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Seven Centers of Instinctiveness
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Consciousness And the Chakras
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Closing the Door To Lower Realms
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 43: Force Fields and Psychic Protection
Nature’s Two Basic Forces
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Controlling Odic Force Fields
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Creating the Golden Yoke
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The State of Contemplation
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Heightened Sensitivity
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Undesirable Influences
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Sensitivity and The Third Eye
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 44: Darshan,Grace Of the Guru
Training from A Satguru
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Darshan’s Mystic Power
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Scent Of a Rose
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Sensitivity To Darshan
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Protection and Stabilization
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Relationship With a Guru
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Devotee’s Responsibilities
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 45: Spiritual Training
The Meeting of Two Darshans
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Loyalty to One’s Satguru
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The World As Your Guru
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Temple and Home Shrine
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
“Catching” The Darshan
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Power of Prostration
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Yoking the Inner Worlds
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 46: Jñānīs and the Path They Teach
The Holy Path To Śiva’s Feet
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Four Stages Of Evolution
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Devotion and Guru Guidance
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Duties of The Disciple
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Attaining The Ultimate
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Nature Of God Śiva
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
When the Quiet Comes
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 47: The Two Perfections Of Our Soul
Śiva’s Three Perfections
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Form and Formlessness
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Being and Becoming
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Point Of Conception
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Expanded Consciousness
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Clinging to the Light Within
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
To the Depths Of Your Being
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 48: Soul, Self and Samādhi
More Solid than A Neutron Star
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
How the One Becomes Many
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Realization And Evolution
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Maturation Of the Soul
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Body Of the Soul
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Death of The Small Self
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Birth of the Golden Body
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 49: The Responsibility Of Enlightenment
After the First Great Samādhi
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Bringing Others Into Realization
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Finding the Light’s Center
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Distractions And Side paths
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Dharma after Self Realization
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
To Stay Enlightened
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Insisting On Sādhana
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 50: Reincarnation
The Transition Called Death
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Desire, Death And Rebirth
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Theories of Reincarnation
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Earth Peoples’ Shared Wisdom
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Yoga Adept’s Special Pattern
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Reincarnating Prior to Death
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
To Die Consciously
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 51: Death and Dying
Sudden Death, Boon or Bane?
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Disrupting Death’s Timing
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Exit via the Highest Chakra
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
An Event Worth Celebrating
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Death Rites And Rituals
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Beyond Liberation
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Chapter 52: The Final Conclusions For All Mankind
Wisdom of The Ages
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Impetuous, Impatient
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Process Of Evolution
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
From Caterpillar To Butterfly
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Service, Worship Understanding
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Blossoming Of Devotion
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
The Journey Called Yoga
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Eternal Questions
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Section One: The Five States of Mind
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
CANTO 1: The Conscious and Subconscious Mind
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
CANTO 2: The Subsuperconscious and The Subsubconscious Mind
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
CANTO 3: Control of Consciousness
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Section Two: The Basic Laws of Transmutation
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
CANTO 4: The Sexual Energies
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
CANTO 5: Control of Speech
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
Section Three: Journey of Awareness
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
CANTO 6: Perceptions on Understanding Ego
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
CANTO 7: Sleep and Dreams
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
CANTO 8: Chakras
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
CANTO 9: Mantras
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)
CANTO 10: Esoteric Theories
(Recording: Gurudeva’s cloned voice)