Once we create, edit, design, print and post the 86-page magazine, we move on to other monk chores. But not everyone is content with that. One young man recently decided to put the new Notebook LM AI service to the test. He fed a PDF of the entire issue into the beast, and asked it to create a podcast. What came out is nothing short of astonishing. He sent it to us and we were floored. The resulting podcast, created in minutes, was better than most professional (think National Public Radio) audio casts.
So good in fact, we want to share it, and we are thinking we should do this for all future editions of Hinduism Today. It is 17 minutes long and covers several of the major articles in such a spontaneous and informative way. You will think two professional journalists are in a studio conversing about it. Click the small arrow below to start the podcast and prepare to be a bit gobsmacked as they say in London.

Jai Ganesha
Congratulations. This is fantastic.
Could be published on YouTube , Spotify and other media channels. AI managed to pronounce most of the Indian names accurately.
I am sure the same podcast could be published in all of world’s major languages too.
Well done monks for committing to use technology for Dharma.
I love that the young man is feeding AI properly with “Hinduism Today”! The line from the podcast “All the Gods and Goddesses in one cow” made me smile. The essence of this “Hinduism Today” in one podcast. : ) This is an astounding and valuable accompaniment to the magazine. So much gratitude!
Mind-boggling!!! – who’s who in this new world? Astonishing how they unwrapped each article with insight and articulated it with balance and spiritual “understanding”.
Those were bots talking?