On January 10 the monks and members gathered in Kadavul Temple to witness the 310th Chitra Pada Puja, so the moon has circled Earth 310 times since his Great Departure. On that day in home shrines around the world devotees performed their own pujas. We have never shown that and so today we glimpse a devotees puja, complete with artistic images.
The Kularnava Tantra speaks of the Satguru’s feet most eloquently: “According to tradition, the totality of the Satguru is contained within his feet. All nerve currents terminate there. The vital points of every organ of his bodies—inner astral, inner mental and soul—are there. Touch the feet and we touch the spiritual master.
The big toe on the left foot gives the most grace. The left leg is the revealing grace, and the big toe of that leg connects to the guru’s pituitary gland, the entrance to the door of Brahm, deep within the sahasrara chakra where he instantaneously merges with Siva in the state of Parasivam. The vibration of the Satguru can be felt through gently touching his sandals. In doing so, one subtly tunes into the actual physical feet, astral feet, mental feet, soul feet of the preceptor.“
“சும்மா GURAVE NAMAHA”!.
Jai Gurudeva, Gurudeva Thiruvadi Potri Potri 🙏🙏🙏
Jai Satguru of the Nandinatha Sampradaya, Jai!
Jai Gurudeva you are always in our heart.