Gurudeva’s 98th Jayanthi

Jai Gurudeva!

Today marks Gurudeva’s 98th jayanthi, meaning he would’ve been 98 years old today. To celebrate this auspicious event, in Alaveddy, Sri Lanka, devotees of our parampara performed a special puja for Gurudeva at the recently completed Paramparai Mandapam. They also recited the Thiruvasagam—one of the most sacred hymns for God Siva. This work was beautifully written by the Tamil Saint, Manickavasagar, as is full of spirituality and devotion. It contains 51 compositions and constitutes the eighth volume of the Tirumurai. It explains the connection of the soul to God Siva and how we should surrender ourselves to the feet of Lord Nataraja with purity and devotion, thus attaining moksha through His grace and divine power. Tiruvasagam holds within it core understandings of Saivism which few-other devotional songs provides. Below are words from our beloved Rishi Thondunathan about the event:

Today, we celebrated Gurudeva’s Jayanthi with the recitation of the entire Thiruvasagam hymns. The event began at 5:30 AM and concluded with a special puja at noon, followed by lunch for all attendees. Thanks to the Alaveddy Saivite Youth Organization for coordinating this meaningful event.

Love, Thondunathan 


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