Hanuman Guarding the Nepalese Rudraksha Forest

A few weeks back we shared the auspicious planting of a small grove of Rudraksha saplings received from Nepal last year and put in their final places. They are acclimating and showing lots of fresh leaf growth. Some CyberCadets could not figure out where this new rudraksha Grove was located, so today we show you and at the same time share a slideshow of Hanumans around the world.

When we were working with the Hanuman bronze project years back, we gathered other Hanumans that have been created in stone, wood, metal and cement. We found hundreds, and the conclusion was our Kauai Hanuman is the most elegant, artful, refined in all the world. By exploring the gallery we predict you will come to the same conclusion. Also in the gallery is a photo of the hands of President Barack Obama. One day a journalist asked him to take everything out of his pocket so they could see what he carries. Among his keys and things is a small bronze Hanuman which he kept with him.

To get a visual of just where the new Nepalese Rudraksha Grove is located, go to the enclosed video. At 54 seconds stop, and you will see a swami standing beside the drone operator. Behind them is a row of hibiscus plants, and behind that is the field now planted with Rudraksha. You can see it is close to the original forest, only 120 feet away.

2 thoughts on “Hanuman Guarding the Nepalese Rudraksha Forest”

  1. Chamundi Sabanathan

    Years ago in Rishikesh I saw a beautiful large Hanuman. He had pulled His chest open to reveal Siva and Parvati residing in His heart.

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