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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha at his morning satsang and class today.

We will pick up the thread of events here beginning with yesterday afternoon’s activities. Things are very busy here, so our captioning will be “light” today.

Paramacharya Palaniswami shared tales of Gurudeva’s stay in Sri Lanka and the results of much research going on here for the book on his life.

He has scanned and photo copied for everyone some precious letters that Gurudeva wrote from Sri Lanka back to his friends in USA while he was there.

A small souvenir poster of a painting of Gurudeva.

Later in the afternoon we had a parade to San Marga for a Havan.

Gurudeva was carried on a palanquin from the temple out to San Marga.

Sri Rudram is chanted, while the fire begins.

Everyone comes forward to make a few offerings to the sacred fire.

The little children in the congregation are having a truly wonderful time.

It is a magical wonderland for these lucky and blessed little souls

Now we go back to Kadavul…

“He searched for me in the coconut-groved Lanka and made me His own–He whom none can ever, ever apprehend; He it was who made me know myself, in and through myself. So entrancing was His love, more tender than the deep love of my mother.”

–Siva Yogaswami

This morning’s class with Bodhinatha.

Meanwhile, a stream of guests and visitors continues as usual. Here is Lani Petranek from Kauai who brought a film crew today to take a few shots of Iraivan temple. It is for a Worldviewz film that seeks to bring cultures together and share and celebrate our differences. Robert Dakota, second from left, is the filmmaker.

Robert has several on YouTube if you want to see them. His emphasis on the unity of things was inspiring. Just search “worldviewz” with a “z.”

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