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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is the last day of our phase and we are heading into a three-day full moon retreat. Seven of the monks will be heading off for two nights “roughing” it for a 3-day camp out at the “end of the Earth.” The magnificent beach and nature preserve called “Polehale” at the very west end of Kauai.

The Ganapati Kulam reported on their activities this phase. A lot of energy is moving toward video production. Paramacharya Palaniswami is working on setting up training for his team, getting the tool set together and expert consultation for video work. The Hinduism Today team is working on the next issue of Hinduism Today. Sannyasin Arumugaswami is forging ahead with the second Hindu History lesson covering the period between 300 and 1100 CE. The first one was a big hit and the second one will build on the global reputation of the first piece. Work continues on the new Hinduism Today web site and many other media and publications projects on the side.

Today’s Pilgrims and Visitors

Bharat Patel returned to Kauai today for his annual pilgrimage with his family. He said that this was his twelfth visit to the Aadheenam. He also brought three close friends, whom he has known for 47 years, Sandip, Dharmendra, and Ashok and their families. A happy group, all Patels from Chicago and Iowa.

Hinduism Welcomes to Sarasvati Kumara!

It was a most auspicious day yesterday. Cristina Berisso after many years of dedicated study made her formal entrance into Saivite Hinduism.

At a highly auspicious Namakarana Samskara held at the Siddhi Vinayaga Temple and Cultural Center in Sacramento, Cristina received her new name:

Sarasvati Kumara

Jai Ganesha! Let us all welcome Sarasvati Kumara into our hearts and Hindu Family!

It was a magical day:

Head Priest Pundit Dixit arranged it all, with a priest who had just arrived from India the same day.

Pundit Dixit loves Gurudeva’s work, has visited the Bangalore carving site several times, and always asks when Iraivan Kumbhabeshekam will be as he plans to come for a week to help out as a seva. He was a priest in the Livermore Temple when he first came to the US.

Coincidentally, there was a Sivalingam abhishekam going on at the same time as Saraswati’s samskara.

Iraja Sivadas writes:

“There was a wonderful namakarana for Cristina Berisso in Sacramento.

“Her new name is Sarasvati Kumara.

“Sarasvati, her two daughters, the Katir family, Nilani and myself attended.

“It was a beautiful and powerful cermony.”

Participants felt Gurudeva himself joined the event from the inner planes to bless Sarasvati:

“Gurudeva attended about half way through the homa. (Three people pinpointed the same time).”

Sarasvati was born in Argentina, became a nuclear physicist. Later got her doctorate in Nuclear Physics from Oxford University. She later started teaching at Shasta Community College in California and today is actively involved in developing online teaching programs. She met Gurudeva many years ago and he gave her blessings to translate his Trilogy into Spanish. She has thus not only completed her Master Course study with Himalayan Academy but has processed every single word and sentence of the text books through both her English and Spanish brains! Gurudeva once said that you should know the theological and philosophical teachings in every language that you know. See her work at:

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