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A New Addition to the Monastery's Kitchen

The monastery recently acquired this wood-fired oven. It's made entirely of stainless steel so it wont rust in our humid weather. Living in a jungle, we are not without vast amounts of extra wood, so this oven is a perfect use for some of it. Not for much though, as it is extremely efficient. You just light a small fire inside, let it heat up, then push the coals to the back and it's ready to cook. As many know, on retreat nights the monks break from their usual diet to enjoy other cuisines. This last retreat the monks used it to make pizzas, with a perfect smoky flavor that cant be beat.

6 Responses to “A New Addition to the Monastery's Kitchen”

  1. Thanam Joseph says:

    Only tomato sauce, cheese and basil when is vege pizza coming up.

  2. Tiru Adi Srikantha says:

    Malto Bene’ Real pizzznos!

  3. barathy says:

    Wow! Looks great!! Great Pizza team work 🙂

  4. Amma Paulette says:

    My compliments to the chef, who is, after all, part Sicilian!

  5. arni narendran says:

    I yearn for the wood fire pizza from the monastry, what more prepared by an Italian chef, there is none I can find in Mumbai.
    Om Namsh Sivyya

  6. Aran says:


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