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From Gujarat with Love

Yesterday a big green box arrived from Gujarat in India. The monks opened it to discover many gems inside, carefully unpacking the various pieces, cataloging them.

They were gifts from an anonymous devotee who wanted to add more beauty and grace to Gurudeva's shrine in Kadavul Temple, so she had a friend in India tailor 11 sets of little shawls and sashes for Gurudeva's murti, and three different colors of velvet drapes for behind his murti. The three are the colors of the ritaus, so the drapes can reflect the season's color.

One swami was inspired to install the new drape and sashes then took some iPhone photos for all to enjoy.

7 Responses to “From Gujarat with Love”

  1. Sheela Visswanathan says:

    Thank You for posting these pictures. Such exquisite embroidery!! Very beautiful indeed. Om Namah Sivaya.

  2. Ramsamy says:


  3. Ramsamy says:


  4. Sue Flynn says:

    Just lovely. What a wonderful gift!

  5. Sheela says:

    I can hear Gurudeva’s joyful laugh … as clearly as the smiles and tears in the eyes of those who thought of this and those who made it happen and those who partake of the beauty of this creation … Infinite love and eternal gratitude … Jai Gurudeva Jai!

  6. Thillaiampalam Sivayogapathy, Toronto. says:

    Aum Namasivaya!
    Jai Gurudeva!
    Sincere, Thoughtful Gift , from a Sincere Devotee!
    Well Done! An Absolute GURU BHAKTHI!
    Aum Siva, Siva!

  7. Sankuthi says:

    Jai Jai Shree Maha Ganesh!
    Aum Namasivaya!
    Simply stunning and blessings are countless to the thoughtful devotee! Thank you for sharing and evoking bhakthi!

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