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Tirukural – Chapter 74

Section VII: Qualities of a Country

Chapter 74: The Country

Verse 738
Here we see a contented family, abundant fields and stocks, lockers laden with gold and riches, children playing under the watchful eye of elders, and a fortress where soldiers are training. The region’s flagpole dominates the center of the compound.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver’s Wisdom

Verse 731

Where unfailingly fertile fields, worthy men
and wealthy merchants come together–that is a country!

Verse 732

A land coveted for its vast wealth, free from calamities
and yielding in abundance is indeed a country.

Verse 733

Call that a nation which bears every burden that befalls it,
yet pays in full all tariffs owed to the king.

Verse 734

Free of famine, endless epidemics and ravaging foes–
now that is a flourishing country.

Verse 735

Proliferating factions, ruinous subversives and murderous gangs
harassing the king–a real country is free from all these.

Verse 736

An incomparable state is one never devastated;
yet if devastated, it would not diminish, but prosper.

Verse 737

Rain waters, underground waters and rivers shed from well-situated
mountains, plus strong fortresses, are features of a fine country.

Verse 738

Five ornaments adorn a country: good health, abundant harvests,
wealth, happiness and safety from invasions.

Verse 739

A land where prosperity comes easily deserves the name country,
not one where wealth entails laborious toil.

Verse 740

Even if a country acquires all these blessings, it is worth nothing
if it lacks harmony between the ruler and the ruled.

3 Responses to “Tirukural – Chapter 74”

  1. Pethuraja says:


  2. Prithviraj Auroomooga Putten says:


  3. Nwaeze ejike philip says:

    I am happy to member Hinduism

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