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Dharma Megha Samadhi

This masterpiece recently arrived from Kerala, the ninth in the series destined to illustrate Bodhinatha's book on the Yoga Sutras. This will without doubt be the most beautifully ornate of the hundreds of such commentaries published around the world. This canvas describes a little-known gem in Patanjali's text--the Dharma Cloud, and the samadhi associated with it. Our yogi in the artwork has reached this advanced state. The artist gives creative expression to the attainment of kaivalya, spiritual liberation, and to the all-pervasive presence of Dharma Megha, the Dharma Cloud which is the ever-flowing presence of Siva's grace and love surrounding the yogi. Patanjali speaks of the cloud as "a cloud of virtue raining goodness," shown as the various blessings from the devas--flowers, bilva leaves, light, music and water. Above, Siva as the fierce Bhairava with His vahana, a dog. Siva's dasanadigal, ten strands of hair, flail across the sky. On each is a devata showering goodness and blessings upon the scene below. In His hands Bhairava holds a trisula and a sword with which he just severed the yogi's bonds. Siva's hands are held apart, acknowledging the yogi's own gesture. Above Bhairava the radiant Central Sun blazes to represent Savikalpa Samadhi, and at the center is the Great Nothingness called Sunya, Parasiva beyond the beyond, the source and final destiny of all form. The yogi is seen to slowly merge toward this timeless, formless, causeless Self, propelled by the power of the Siva temples below, north and south, which are the powerhouses of Siva's Shakti.

Dharma Megha Samadhi arises when you have lost even the desire for enlightenment. It comes not by effort, but reveals itself when all effort has subsided. It is a divine gift from Siva. It brings perfect bliss as seen in the yogi's expression.

8 Responses to “Dharma Megha Samadhi”

  1. Prabhakur says:

    Wow! No words to describe this masterpiece.If only I could have one of these to frame in our prayer room!

  2. Toshadeva says:

    Jai Ganapati!
    Many thanks for uplifting depictions of grace, Om

  3. Pethuraja says:


  4. janaka paeam says:

    Incredible; wonderful depiction. Perhaps the most elaborate painting of one of Siva’s aspects I’ve ever seen !

  5. deva seyon says:

    Can you imagine for a moment that you are an artist and one day a Paramacharya calls you and asks you to paint a picture that embraces the attainment of Kaivalya? (!!!) I wonder how long the pause was on the other end of the phone when Suresh got that call. The immensity of it must have given him pause. The courage it must have taken to fully embrace it, commit to it.

    What collaboration took place after that we might never be privy to but we know it had to be a magical ride – something like “let’s have the Central Sun, along with the spinning vortex into the Unspeakable and add Siva dancing with his hair flying through the air while the lords of dharma emerge from His flying strands blessing the yogi! Let’s create and illuminate the little-known “Dharma Cloud” to depict the raining of grace on the yogi as he experiences total release at that very moment !” And on and on. What a masterpiece. These artists are like the Guru and Swamis who are ever engaged in poking holes in the fabric of our Anava, showing us in countless ways (and sometimes in living color) – You are so much more than you think you are . . . HERE is Your destiny!

  6. Ramai Santhirapala says:

    So so immersive. Timeless masterpiece. Aum Namah Sivaya.

  7. Sankuth says:

    Aum Nama Sivaya
    Exquisite and exemplary art evoking highest level of piety! Thank you.
    Happy Maha Sivarthri
    Sivaya Nama Aum

  8. Dhruv says:

    How can I get this painting?

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