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Tirukural – Chapter 76

Chapter 76: The Ways of Acquiring Wealth

Verse 760
A wealthy man has gathered in the family puja room with his wife and son, all worshiping the Lord. Outside his servants wait with the carriage to take them on an afternoon picnic. Their good life has manifested security and comforts.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver’s Wisdom

Verse 751

There is nothing like wealth for lending consequence
to an inconsequential man.

Verse 752

Those who have nothing have everyone’s contempt,
while the rich are exalted by one and all.

Verse 753

Wealth is an unfailing lamp whose light
reaches every imaginable land, dispelling darkness.

Verse 754

Riches acquired by mindful means, in a manner
that harms no one, will bring both piety and pleasure.

Verse 755

Wealth acquired without compassion and love
is to be cast off, not embraced.

Verse 756

Wealth with no owner, wealth of defeated foes, wealth from
tax and customs–these constitute the royal revenues.

Verse 757

Compassion, which is the child of Love,
requires for its care the bountiful nurse called Wealth.

Verse 758

Undertaking an enterprise with sufficient resources in hand
is like standing on a hilltop watching elephants fight below.

Verse 759

Make money–that is the sharpest scalpel
for paring down an enemy’s pride.

Verse 760

Having acquired affluence, the acquisition of two
other treasures–duty and delight–is effortless.

One Response to “Tirukural – Chapter 76”

  1. Pethuraja says:


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